Why should you become a member?

So we can stay in touch with you. As events unfold and as this site becomes more well known and popular, we will make additions and changes that we would like to tell you about. The key to keeping our communication costs low is to be able to email those who support what we are doing and who want to join with us to take over the GOP. If we don't have your email, then there is no way for us to know who you are or any way for us to stay in touch with you.


Membership is FREE


IMPORTANT: Your membership information will be kept completely confidential. It will be maintained in an off-line database, safe from hackers. Your name and email will not be shared with anyone. Once we get closer to the time of precinct elections, we will ask you if we can share your name with other members in your precinct. If you agree, we believe that this will help you connect with others in your precinct.


For example, if you wish to stand for election as an officer in your precinct, you will need to be able to let your fellow precinct members know. You will want to tell them why they should vote for you and they will want to know more about you. Once again, this is all about helping you to connect with other conservatives in your voting precinct. What you and other conservatives do in your precinct is up to you. We will not be endorsing candidates.

Take Over the GOP  FREE Membership Registration

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    I am registered to vote in the State of (required)

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    I am registered Republican (required)




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